Wednesday 16 November 2016

The Best Korean Drama I've Ever Watched

When I was in the third year being college student, some of my friends were crazy about Korea. At that time, I didn't mind them. But day by day, they were becoming more noisy to tell all about Korea in front of me. And I was like "APAAN SIH LO BERISIK BANGET". Yes, I was like that. Because, everytime I was around them, the topic they talked about were always about Korea- Koreaaa- Koreaaaaaa and KOREA. Then I became so curious, I asked them "Apa sih bagusnya Korea?", they answered, together "NWI LO HARUS NONTON DRAMANYA!!! SEKALI LO NONTON PASTI KETAGIHAN!" And again, I was like "Ah masa sih?"
The next day, my willing to try watching K-drama was higher. I ran to my friends and asked what kind of drama I should watch first. They recommended me popular drama at that time You Who Come From The Star cast by Kim Soo Hyun and the funny Jun Ji Hyun.

You Who Came From The Star (별에서 온 그대):

And they were right. Korean drama was sooooooooo good to watch. I enjoyed the drama. I loved the story (and Kim Soo Hyun). Since then, I always asked my friends for Korean dramas EVERY WEEK. hahahaha. I fell in love with Korean drama right after I watched the first Korean drama I've watched. I think Korean drama is the best choice for you to waste the time. Karena......... drama Korea itu buatnya niat banget. Budgetnya juga gak main-main. Gak asal-asalan kayak....... *ehem*
And then, artis-artis Korea itu udah ditraining bertahun-tahun sebelum memasuki dunia entertainment. Jadi mereka bukan artis abal-abal yang cepet turun pamornya. Gak kayak artis di........ *isi sendiri yha* HAHA
And the main point is, Korean drama's story line isn't ordinary. It makes us always want to watch the drama till finish. Bahkan rela begadang nonton karena saking penasarannya sama cerita selanjutnya.
So, here I recommend you to watch these drama I've been listing them into The Best Korean Drama I've Ever Watched :

Image result for you who came from the stars poster


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Fated to Love You 03



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10. SCHOOL 2015
Image result for school 2015 poster

So, there are 10 best Korean drama that I've ever watched. I didn't watch every drama that aired in Korea. I only watch what I wanna watch. Though I love Kim Woo Bin and Bae Suzy, but I haven't watched and never want to watch their drama because it has negative review, jadi udah keduluan males mau nonton. Apalagi katanya akting Suzy gak bagus, yodah deh. Skip aja. I don't to waste my time to watch that kind of drama yang katanya terlalu menyek-menyek. Yeah. I still have many K-dramas on my laptop waiting to be watched. There are The K2, Jealousy Incarnate, Moonlight Drawn by The Clouds and Scarlet Heart Ryeo (honestly, I dislike watching historical drama, but some people told that these two are so good. Apalagi Ryeo yang main ganteng-ganteng :") HAHAHA), Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Man Living at My House and......... I'm looking forward to watch Lee Min Ho and Jun Ji Hyun's recent drama, The Legend of The Blue Sea. Yeash! I bet this will be a hit like their previous dramas, You Who Come From The Star and The Heirs.
One thing you should know if you watch K-drama, you must be falling in love with cast. Right, because I'm that typical girl yang langsung jatuh cinta setiap ada drama yang pemerannya ganteng banget!! (I bet you are the same with me) dan langsung googling nama si ganteng buat cari tau. And, biasanya nonton K-drama itu bikin daya halusinasi kita tuh tambah tinggi. "DUH COBA PACAR GUE KAYAK GITU YA", "DUH MAU DONG GUE DILAMAR KAYAK GITU", "IH SO SWEET AMAT, MAU JADI CEWEKNYA" Ya gitu deh. Namanya juga ceweQ H3H3. Okay, I wish you enjoy my writing though isinya gak karuan and campur-campur but yeah, please enjoy it. OKAY???
I think on the next post I will recommend you the funniest episode of Running Man!! My favorite Korean variety show. Who doesn't love Running Man????

Saturday 20 February 2016

REVIEW : Perbandingan LT Pro Long Lasting Matte Lip Cream dan NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream

Annyeong haseyo, chingudeul!

It’s been a while since my last blogpost yes haha. Udah hampir setahun enggak nulis dan post kali ini gue mau review make up.

As you know that there’s trending topic in lippies world. Our local brand, LT Pro, launched their new product months ago and it’s already being our favourite. Setelah kemaren lagi booming banget lipstick Purbasari, sekarang lipcream  dari LT Pro. Tapi gue belum nyobain Purbasari sih, karena gue sendiri kurang suka sama lipstick. Gue lebih suka liquid lipstick yang ada kuas aplikatornya. Lebih gampang gitu, gak repot. Dan, sekarang gue mau ngasih lo lo pada racun baru.


Source: LT Pro Official

Di antara kaum hawa pasti udah gak asing lagi ya. Pasti sering denger nama ini, atau beberapa udah ada yang punya, dan atau mungkin jadi wishlist yang bakal dipenuhi.
Gue tau lipcream ini gegara temen gue tau-tau pas lagi touch up ngeluarin lipcream ini. Nyeletuk deh gue, “eh lipstick baru tah?”. “Merk apa nih?”. “Enak gak?” but at that time, I have no interest at all sih karena pikir gue “ah paling biasa aja, sama aja kayak NYX SMLC”

Sampai akhirnya, gue baca nya Abel Cantika yang bikin review tentang 8 shade LT Pro Long Lasting Matte Lip Cream dan dia buat reviewnya dalam video Youtube pribadinya. Katanya sih LT Pro ini lebih oke dari NYX SMLC karena lipcream ini gak bikin crack dan gak kering. Sehabis nonton reviewnya, gue langsung kepo. Cus gue langsung googling nyari review-reviewnya. And the result is……… reviewnya masih dikit banget HAHAHA. Baru ada 3-4 blog yang review lipcream ini. Dan semuanya bilang walaupun merk local, tapi kualitasnya kayak liquid lipstick mihil yang harganya bisa tiga kali lipat. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, makin jadi penasaran dong gue. “Lipcream ini masuk wishlist gue!” batin gue.

Karena dilanda rasa penasaran, akhirnya gue cus langsung beli. Ini penampakan swatch 8 shade-nya di tangan gue. Lucu-lucu yes :”)

Favorit gue adalah shade nomor 3 dan 6, karena gue lebih cocok pake yang warna kalem-kalem (kayak gue HAHA). Entah kenapa gue ngerasa gak cocok pake warna yang terlalu bright, gue cuma suka warna nude, gue ngerasa kalo pake warna pink, apalagi pink fanta/fuschia muka gue langsung berasa tua :”) wqwq.  Yang bakal gue review di sini adalah shade nomor 6. Warnanya nude coral gitu. Rada-rada orange, but not too bright. I like it.

Orang-orang banyak yang ngebandingin antara LT Pro ini dengan NYX SMLC, dari tekstur emang mirip sih. Tapi untuk pigmentasi, staying power-nya….. beuuuuuh, beda jauh! Serius! Makanya, sekarang gue mau bikin perbandingan antara LT Pro dan NYX SMLC. Semoga review gue ini bisa membantu kalian yang sedang bimbang memilih pewarna bibir :”) hahaha

Swatch LT Pro Shade 06 dan NYX SMLC Shade London :

Gue swacth dua-duanya di tangan gue. Yang gue bandingin di sini adalah LT Pro Lip Cream Shade 06 dan NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Shade London. Kalo LT Pro, sekali oles warnanya langsung keluar. Pigmented banget emang. Gue yang selama bertahun-tahun mengandalkan NYX SMLC sampe kagum, “gila nih lipcream!” tapi serius deh kalo pake NYX SMLC emang mesti apply berkali-kali dulu baru bisa nutup semua bagian bibir, makenya mesti tebel-tebel. Beda sama LT Pro, sekali oles langsung bisa nutup semua bagian bibir. Hebat kan? IYA! BANGET!

Setelah didiemin sekitar 5 menit, gue siram tangan gue dengan air mengalir. Hasilnya? LT Pro tetep stay di tempatnya. Bahkan gak berubah sama sekali! Beda dengan NYX yang warnanya kayak pudar-pudar dikit gitu.

Selain itu, selagi gue make LT Pro Lip Cream, gue makan 2 hotdog sekaligus *namanya laper, sis :’)* dan you know what? LT Pro gue cuma pudar dikit, mungkin cuma pudar 20% lah, itupun juga cuma bagian dalem karena kena makanan. Tapi makannya makan cantik yah, bukan yang geragas nafsu gitu. Sedangkan kalo gue pake NYX dipake makan, pasti deh langsung meringkel-ringkel kayak ngegumpel gitu dan warna bibir gue 70% ilang. Tepuk tangan buat lipcream local ini *prok prok*

Setelah disiram air tadi, gue mencoba mengusap tangan gue dengan tissue secara perlahan. Gue usap tiga kali. Dan lagi-lagi gue tepuk tangan *prok prok* LT Pro cuma mudar dikit, dikiiiit banget malah, tapi warnanya masih keliatan banget. Sedangkan NYX??? Lenyap ditelan bumi J

Fix, this will be my holy grail lipcream. Udah murah, staying powernya oke banget. Gak kalah sama brand USA yang mihil-mihil. Gue pribadi puas pake banget! Jadi buat sista-sista yang masih galau mau beli ini atau enggak, gue cuma mau bilang, CEPETAN BELI! LO GAK BAKAL NYESEL SUMPAH!

Pros :
- Murah, cuma 95ribu
- Pigmented banget. Cuma sekali oles langsung nutup warna bibir
- Easy to get. Kayaknya di mana-mana ada ya. Soalnya ini kan produk local.
- Tahan berjam-jam. Tahan dipake makan (asal makannya masih normal yes, makan cantik)
- Isinya banyak banget!
- Gak bikin bibir kering
- Wanginya enak. Kayak bubble gum gitu. Rasanya pengen dijilat :9

Cons :
Sejauh ini belum nemu, mungkin pilihan warnanya masih sedikit? Gue mau warna nude brown gitu sih.

Score: 4.8/5.0


Jadi, yang mana favorit lo?

Monday 9 March 2015


Annyeong haseyo, eonni, oppa^^
Long time no see on my blog. It's been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time I've been hiding from this blog :(
I have no interesting anymore in blogging, because making one blogpost, you need high imagination, good words to say, interesting pics, and............................... no laziness... like me :(
So this time, I wanna share about Korea. Why Korea???
Because, lately, exactly since June 2014, I've started to watch Korean drama. Before I watched it, I told my friends that Korea was so euuuugh, other mean, I have no interesting at all about Korea. But, everytime my friends around me always shared and told everything about Korea (Kdrama, Kpop, etc) to others. Then, I was curious what Korean drama would be like. So I asked one of my friend about my willing to try watching Korean drama. I ask her "what Korean drama that airing in Korea and be famous lately?" then, my friend told me to watch You Who Come from The Star first. When the drama was on my hand, I directly wasted my time to watch it.
Then what's happening?
I just like............................


No kidding. Korean drama writers could make an unpredicted story. I WAS STARTING TO LOVE KOREA.
And then since that time, I love the actor named AHN JAE HYUN. He looks so cute, handsome, and ooooh make me melting hahahahaha

Can you see how cute he is? Though he has a cute face (he is a model for ESteem), he still looks macho to me hahahahahaha
Since then, I always follow his recent activity. and I became soooooo in love with him. Since he cast his first drama, I also watched his another drama such as You're All Surrounded, and now he becomes a main character in his new drama that still airing in Korea titled BLOOD (I want to start watch Blood tomorrow)


And now, South Korea becomes my holiday list destination. I wish I could spend my holiday later in South Korea with my chingus that love South Korea too. AMIN!!!!

Monday 24 February 2014

Getting Chubbier Errrrr.....

Hello guys!^^ 
Well, this is my first blogpost in 2014 (yeah, I know. I have no idea what I suppose to tell on my blog) By the way, Happy New Year! Happy Chinese New Year! And Happy Valentine’s Day for those who celebrate. Haha I’m to late saying this. But it’s much better than never, rite? :p
So this time I wanna tell you about my thoughts. Yes, my thoughts. Like: I think my cheeks got chubbier lately, I have to buy new pair of shoes or bag or clothes or pants or something new before my 4th semester on campus is getting nearer haha :D
But here I wanna tell you about my first thought. You know, I’m on my lazy-day (re: long holiday) for about 40days (since January 23th till March 3rd) Is it correct it’s about 40days? *re-calculate* *seeing the calendar* Oh actually it’s only 39days. My prediction is close enough, huh?
So during my 39days of holiday from all campus activity, I just stay at home. Yes, STAY AT HOME T^T because my family and I just went to Jakarta to visit my nephew last December when I was in “minggu tenang” before final exam.  My friends and I ever planned to go to the beach but it’s always be failed. Hm, FAILED! :(
Can you guess what’s my activity during my holiday? :”( I just sleep, sleep, snack, sleep, eat, online yeah that’s my routine. So weeks after that, when I saw myself at the mirror, I saw there’s something different from myself. WHAT???? MY CHEEKS GOT CHUBBIER? WHAT???? Since then, I thought I need to do diet. But nope, I don’t need any diet program because MOST OF PEOPLE said that I’m too skinny. Yes, I realize that I’m too skinny (my weight: 45kg, my height: *guessing* is about 165cm kali lah) but the thing I hate from my self is……….if I eat any food, any snack or what else, the nutrition of that foods will run to my cheeks, not to my stomach, my breast or my bottom hahahaha I hate that!!!!!!! I love snacking, I always do something called “jajan”. Since then, I wanna make a change. Jeng jeng jeng…….
I remembered that one of my friend, Aras always does aerobic every Saturday. So I called her that time how to join that class. I expected if I join that, my cheeks will be more “tirus” hehe ^^v
So on my first Saturday aerobic, I prepared myself. I dressed wearing training pants, t-shirt, sport shoes, and my bag. When I came in to the room, I asked to my self “Maam, are you sure you want to do aerobic with that daster?” but I didn’t care then. A few minutes later, the aerobic trainer came. So we got ready to sweat. Hyah!! Then, I just shocked that the women who wore daster, put off their daster. I just know that they wore aerobic outfit that too sexy for me hahaha. It’s like bikini set *don’t laugh! I just knew that thing on that time* (don’t worry, no boys/men allowed to come in)
We did the aerobic less than 2hours. My sweats were out. Huh, I felt sooooo fresh. I felt better after doing that. And I swear I will always do that on my Saturday. Because I really really expect to have “tirus” cheeks :’) now, I haven't known what’s the result after I do that because I have done that for 3 times. I will tell you what’s the different before and after this exercise into my life hahaha. Okay, my-not-important-thing is end. See you, then! Much love :*

p.s: Forgive my bad English please :""")

Monday 2 December 2013

It's about Rama (again and again)

Hello, aunty and uncle ^^
Miss me? I know, I know. Don't hide it ^^
Well... I wanna share about my daily activity ^^
Fyi, now I'm almost 6 months old. I'm growing so fast. Now I have chubby cheeks hoho
My dad always sent some of my pictures to my grandma in Lampung. Everymovement I do, my dad and mommy just take the picture of mine. Aw, I feel like I'm a Hollywood artist ^^
Here's I give you some if you're so curious

I'm trying to do something called "ngerangkak"

My parents took me to the somewhere called "baby spa"
Uhuyy, this is so uhuy you know, uncle and aunty ^^

No, no aunty!!!!! Don't at my "bird"
Awwwwww, I'm shy ><

Well, what do you think about me guys? Am I too cute? >< I wanna share some again ya hihi

Lagi bobo aja aku ganteng. Ya kan? Ya kan? :")

I'm with my dad. We both are handsome, right? ^^

Okay, I think I'm gonna end this session. So meet me on another post ya. Hoho see you^^

M. Faiz RAMAdhan

Saturday 2 November 2013

I Have A New Nephew :3

Well, I wanna tell you about a good news :3
At the date July 16th, 2013. My sister in law borned a baby boy. They live in Jogjakarta anyway.
Then, they call us (my mom, dad, and me) to tell about this new baby born. We are so happy to hear the news you know :') because the obstetricians predicted that the baby would be borned on the earlier August. So, we made a plan to make a trip to Jogja. And my dad already decided that we would go there H+5 Idul Fitri, about August 17th.
Wanna meet the cute baby boy? :3 Here you go!

 (View weeks later)

This was the time!
(I don't wanna tell the story completely haha :p)
(So, I wanna jump the story a view months later)

 (My mom and her second grandchildren)

His parents named their first son: M. Faiz Ramadhan, Rama for the nick. Inshaa Allah this baby will grow up under Allah's blessings. Amin.
Now, Rama is 3,5 monts. You know what????????? His weight is 7,5 kg dan popoknya udah pake yang ukuran L ajeee-______-
Curious? Here I give you his recent picture
Ndut banget ya? Iya, banget :') rasanya pengen tsubit-tsubit :')

Yodah, segitu aja dulu deh ya hahaaha (I'm not a good story teller :p)